Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Need SelfService? Follow these directions!

Nipmuc Regional High School - 1:1 Learning
Image result for ipad

New iPad setup instructions:
  1. Swipe right to begin.
  2. Select “English”.
  3. Select “United States”.
  4. Connect to the Nipmuc network. Do not use the guest network. The username and password are the same as you would use to log onto a computer in the library. Then accept the certificate.
  5. Select “Enable Location Services”.
  6. Select “Set Up as New iPad”.
  7. Sign in with your Apple ID. If you do not have one, select “Skip This Step”, then select “Skip” again.
  8. Select “Agree”, and “Agree” again.
  9. Create a passcode that you will remember.
  10. Select “Use Siri”.
  11. Select “Automatically Send”.
  12. Select “Get Started”.

Setting up an Apple ID: Go to http://appleid.apple.com and follow the prompts to create a free Apple ID.

How to configure iCloud after setup:
If you skipped the sign in during setup you will need to sign in after you create an Apple ID
  1. Open the settings app.
  2. Tap on iCloud
  3. Sign in on the right side with your Apple ID

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JSS (Self-Serve) Enrollment:
Required to download paid apps from the district.
  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Go to the Safari tab and deactivate “Block Pop-ups”.
  3. Click on “Block Cookies” and set as “Always Allow”.
  4. Open the Safari app and go to https://jss.mursd.org:8443/enroll
**Private Browsing must be disabled**
  1. Enter your username and password as you would use to log onto a library or lab computer.
  2. Install the certificates and click “Accept” when prompted.
  3. You should receive a message saying “OTA Enrollment Complete”. A new App will appear called Self Service. This is where district paid apps are available to you.
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To Reinstall Self Service:
**If you are switching to a new ipad, you must complete these steps**
  1. Remove the Self Service app
  2. Go to Settings app and click on “General”, then “Profiles”.
  3. Remove the profiles
  4. Follow steps above to install.

Change the name of your iPad:
  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Tap on “General”
  3. Tap on “About”
  4. Tap on “Name”. Change the name to your name.